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Vectors and kinematics

What you have to know :

  • You must be able to add,multiply and find the magnitude of a vector

    (If not check this lesson)

  • You must be able to know the vector form of a line

    (If not check this lesson)

Distance and Displacment
1. Watch this video

What you have to know :

  • You must be able to add,multiply and find the magnitude of a vector

    (If not check this lesson)

  • You must be able to know the vector form of a line

    (If not check this lesson)

Speed and velocity
1. Watch this video

What you have to know :

  • The basic principals of unit vectors

    (If not check this lesson)

  • You must be able to know the vector form of a line

    (If not check this lesson)

Speed and Unit Vectors
1. Watch this video
2. Watch this solved example 1
3. Watch this solved example 2

What you have to know :

  • All the formulas for the kinematics you can find them here

Vector kinematics formulae
1. Watch this video

Now Lets Practice!

  • Solve the problems.


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