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Tangents and Normals

What you have to know :

  • Differentiate all the basic functions.

    (If not check this lesson)

  • The general form of a line

    (If not check this lesson)

  • You must be able to manipulate algebraic expressions. 

    (If not check this lesson)

1. Watch this video
2. Watch this presantation

Now you know :

  • How to calculate the derivative of a function and find the gradient at a specific point

  • Substitute to the line formula to find the tangent (using the given point)

  • Calculate the normal using the formula    mn mt =-1

Tangent and Normal
Annotation 2020-03-16 224432.jpg

Solved Examples

  • Watch the videos (click the sentence)

An Interactive animation of derivative and tangent

  • Here you can see also the meaning of the slope that is mentioned in different signs on the road before an uphill.

  • You must be able to manipulate algebraic expressions.

Now Lets Practice!

  • Solve the problems.


IB exam equestions
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