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The ongoing trip-Kyrgyzstan

Updated: May 27, 2022

A guide through teaching and living

Is teaching a difficult job? Yes it is. Is the most dificult job? No. Is it one of the most importants. Yes it is. It is the job that formulates the next generation of citizens. The ones that they will have to take decisions that will affect all the future societies. Did we made a good job on this field until now? I doubt it. But what all the teachers will tell you is that we can try always to do it better. I couldn't agree more.

As an international teacher I was always fascinated by the stories that I heard from my collegues and always share them,along mine, with my students. The excitment that I get from their questions is reviving and made me understand that the more glimpses and perspectives of the world you give to your students the more wider you make their perception of this rock we are travelling all together. Teaching in a country that is not yours gives a great advantage to a person. It gives the ability to experience the life of the local people of the country that you work in. So as this to happen of course you have to be adjustable and open to different views. Here I present some of the places that I lived and traveled up to now. I hope this journey will not stop soon.



I loved Kyrgyzstan. Maybe it was because all people I met there, maybe because it was my first real international experience outside Europe, but I loved this country. Purely Muslim but not hard core. The lads drink and do not feel anything. But on the other hand, they keep other characteristics of Muslims, such as friendliness, to help you and amazing hospitality

Bishkek is considered the greenest capital of Central Asia. And not accidentaly. The city is full of huge parks where you can comfortably go and relax with your hammock. If you smoke and a cop sees you, you will pay 3 euros (of course is part of the corruption but still you should enjoy it)

The sidewalks in many places are broken. You can also fall into a forgotten hole that was not closed. The reason is that in winter they do not clean, nor do they throw salt and such. As a result, the roads, all central and not, are filled with snow and the cars step on it and reach a point where the road is at the same height as the sidewalk. That's why everyone in winter has winter tires. So the sidewalks are left like this and with the change of temperature they usually break. Money for development are limited so if you hurt your knee in any hole it is your fault. Next time when you walk be careful. Transportation is super. They have the famous Marshutkas. They are vans that turned them into buses. It is a network of at least 300 lines that cover the entire city. They are very cheap. Tickets are less than 10 cents of euro (10 som). Taxis are very cheap and generally have infinite companies like Uber. which is however local.

The food is amazing. The delicious lagman (spaghetti with vegetables), plof (rice with beef), shashliks. Anything. Very tasty. Cheap and high quality. Alcohol two times better.The people here make the best cognac in the Soviet Union. They also have very good quality vodkas. Kyrgyz Aragi. They drink it like our raki but it is closer to vodka as a taste.

Women are one of the most beautiful mixes I have ever seen. A mix of Russian and Asian. Very beautiful and friendly. Smart and very helpful. Because of Islam. But they also drink. We said here it is not Islam it is Pislam

Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country. 87% are mountains. Nature is incredible. You can see so many different sceneries. From yurts to Uzbek villages on the border with Uzbekistan. In the well-known place Arslanbop. Incredible place.You will see Uzbek grandparents that you could not see even in Uzbekistan . With their boots and high black hats and berets sitting on the tables to drink tea to eat and talk about their problems or their joys

Hike to Ala Kul lake

Ala Kul lake

to be continued..

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