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What you have to know :

  • You must be able to manipulate algebraic expressions. 

    (If not check this lesson)

  • You must be able to manipulate exponential expressions. 

    (If not check this lesson)

  • You must be able to manipulate logarithmic expressions. 

    (If not check this lesson)

1. Watch this video
2. Watch this presantation1
3. Watch this presantation2
4. Watch this presantation3
5. Watch this presantation4
6. Watch this presantation5
7. Watch this presantation6
8. Watch this presantation7

Solved Examples

  • Watch the videos (click the sentence)

Where could we use the limits?

  • The limits can be used to calculate the horizontal asymptote of a function

    (Refresh you memory by watching this video)


  • The limits can be used to calculate the tangent of a function in a specific point

    (Check lesson derivatives)

Limits and Asymptotes
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