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How it works
This website was build to help students to cope with their daily problems in mathematics.
The main goal is to help them discover their gaps in knowledge. Inevitably the website is based on  Backward  Curriculum Design (Mapping).
Each lesson at the beginning has a section called
"What you have to know".  Students first must check if they are familiar with these concepts mentioned before studying the  current lesson. If not, they can follow the links to discover any missing "holes" in their knowledge.
The website is being updated constantly.
For Students (IB only)
College Student

Here you can download all the material needed for the courses.


  • IB Math Subject Overview

  • Graphic Digital Calculator (GDC) guidelines for Ti84 and Casio..

  • Formula Booklet

  • Internal Assessment

math teacher.jfif
For Teachers  IB   

Here you can download all the material needed for the courses.


  • Guides

  • Teaching support material

  • Proposed teaching order for the two year course

Analysis and Approaches
Applications and Interpretations
For Teachers  IGCSE
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