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Graph Theory

What you have to know :

  • Nothing!!

Walks-Trails-Paths- Eulerian circuit-Eulerian trail-Hamiltonian cycle-Hamiltonian path
1. Watch this video
2. Read  these notes

What you have to know :

  • You add the shortest edges without making cycles. The solution is once you reached all the vertices.

2. Watch this presantation

What you have to know :

  • The Chinese postman problem (CPP) is to find the walk of least weight that goes along every edge  at least once.
  • In the CPP for a graph with two odd vertices, the shortest route between the two odd vertices is found. The solution will be a Eulerian circuit.
Chinese postman problem
1. Watch this video
2. Watch this presentation

What you have to know :

  • Classical Traveling salesman problem (TSP) is to find a Hamiltonian cycle of  least weight in a weighted complete graph.

  • The practical TSP is to find the route of least weight which visits all the vertices at least once and returns to the starting vertex.

  • A practical TSP should be converted to the classical problem by completion of a table of least distances where necessary.

  • The nearest neighbour algorithm is used to find an upper bound for TSP

  • The delete vertex algorithm is used to find an lower bound for TSP

Traveling salesman problem
1. Watch this video
2. Watch this presentation

What you have to know :

  • How to calculate the power of a matrix

    (If not check this lesson)

  • The elements of an adjacency matrix to a power of n  shows the number of n walks that I can make to go from vertex to vertex.

Adjacency matrices
1. Watch this video

Now Lets Practice!

  • Solve the problems.


IB questions on graph theory
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