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Maths with Lemon
Derivatives of known Functions
What you have to know :
Understand the meaning of limit.
(If not check this lesson)
Recognize all the basic functions
You must be able to manipulate algebraic expressions.
(If not check this lesson)
You must be able to manipulate exponential expressions.
(If not check this lesson)
You must be able to manipulate logarithmic expressions.
(If not check this lesson)
2. All the derivatives of basic functions video
3. Watch this presantation
Now you know :
Different expressions of derivatives
f '(x)
Derivatives of basic Functions

Solved Examples
Watch the videos (click the sentence)
Derivatives of basic Functions
Another way of seeing the differentiation
In math we can see the same topic from different angles.
Watch a geometric explanation of derivatives (click the sentence)
Derivatives of basic Functions
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